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SC Great Seech UKR
Club rank: 220.
City: Marganets
Contact person: -
Mail address: -
no club web page available

Players ranked at the ranking (2)
Rank Points
874.Wolodimir Kudelya631
3525.Taras Kudelya22

Members of the club no longer ranked at the ranking (13)
Ernest Baniavichus
Erika Baniavichute
Vasiliy Ciganenko
Dmitriy Ezhkov
Maxim Ezhkov
Maksym Kozelsky
Roman Levchuk
Milena Misko
Artem Padalko
Igor Rahansky
Yegor Slusarenko
Sergiy Vasilchenko
Dmytro Vorontsov

Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran

Summary of club's teams results
31.01.2009SC Great SeechUkraine Championships 2009 Teams5. (11)
10.05.2008SC Great SeechUkraine Championships 2008 Teams8. (10)
12.01.2008SC Great SeechUkrainian THL 2008 Teams4. (6)

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