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International Table Hockey Federation

The ITHF Constitution was signed by 15 nations on 3rd June 2005, Riga, Latvia. The Constitution was updated on 20th March 2007 and then again on 8th June 2007 by passing at the ITHF Delegates' Conference. Switzerland became 16th member of the ITHF on 16th August 2005, Ukraine became 17th member of the ITHF on 15th March 2007. Slovenia became 18th member and Kazakhstan 19th member. The other change of the Constitution was made on 23th May 2009. Another update was done on spring 2013. Belarus became 20th member on spring 2019. Portugal became 21st member on spring 2019.

Please note that the official language of the ITHF is English according to the ITHF Constitution. Therefore, if any translation differs from the English version of any official ITHF document, the English version always has priority.

World Club Championship Rules in English, Russian.

Minutes from the ITHF founding meeting

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate's Conference 02

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate's Conference 03

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate's Conference 04 (March 2007)

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate's Conference 05 (June 2007)

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate's Conference 06 (March 2008)

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate's Conference 07 (August 2008)

Summary from the ITHF Delegate's Conference 08 (October 2008)

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate's Conference 09 (May / June 2009)

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate's Conference 10 (Winter 2010)

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate's Conference 11 (Spring 2010)

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate's Conference 12 (Spring 2011)

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate's Conference 13 (Autumn 2011)

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate's Conference 14 (Spring 2013)

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate's Conference 15 (Winter 2014)

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate's Conference 17 (Autumn 2014)

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate's Conference 18 (April 2015)

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate's Conference 19 (August 2015)

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate's Conference 20 (March 2016)

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate's Conference 21 (August 2016)

Minutes from the ITHF Delegates Conference 22 (May 2017)

Minutes from the ITHF Delegates Conference 23 (January 2018)

Minutes from the ITHF Extraordinary Delegates Conference 24 (September 2018)

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate’s Conference 25 (May 2019)

Minutes from the ITHF Extraordinary Delegate’s Conference 26 (July 2019)

Minutes from the ITHF Extraordinary Delegate’s Conference 27 (March 2020)

Minutes from the ITHF Extraordinary Delegate’s Conference 28 (June 2020)

Minutes from the ITHF Extraordinary Delegate’s Conference 29 (October 2020)

Minutes from the ITHF Extraordinary Delegate’s Conference 30 (January 2021)

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate’s Conference 31 (May 2021)

Minutes from the ITHF Extraordinary Delegate’s Conference 32 (November 2021)

Minutes from the ITHF Extraordinary Delegates Conference 33 (March 2022)

Minutes from the ITHF Delegate’s Conference 34 (May 2023)

Minutes from the ITHF Extraordinary Delegates’ Conference 35 (July 2023)

Minutes from the ITHF Extraordinary Delegates’ Conference 36 (August 2023)

Minutes from the ITHF Extraordinary Delegates’ Conference 37 (October 2023)

Minutes from the ITHF Extraordinary Delegates’ Conference 38 (December 2023)

Minutes from the ITHF Extraordinary Delegates’ Conference 39 (January 2024)

Minutes from the ITHF Extraordinary Delegates’ Conference 40 (November 2024)

Minutes from the ITHF Extraordinary Delegates’ Conference 41 (March 2025)
Executive Committee
Bjarne Axelsen (DEN)
Mykhaylo Shalomayev (UKR)
Secretary General
Gustaf Hermansson (SWE)
Executive Committee Member
Kevin Rafferty (USA)
Continental Manager, North America
Igor Saveljev (EST)
Executive Committee Member
Legal Committee
ChairGergely Regula (HUN)
MemberRolf Locher (SUI)
MemberMichael Toft Nielsen (DEN)

Documents published by the Executive Committee
1st EC meeting,
5th June 2005
Voting about the World Championships 2007 after the Delegate's Meeting in Riga
2nd EC meeting, 21st June 2005 Important statement containing 8 points:
1) Dividing positions in the Executive Committee,
2) Documents from the ITHF meeting in Riga,
3) ITHF registration, Extraordinary Delegate's Conference,
4) Registration of the ITHF members,
5) Bronze medal match at the World Championships in Riga,
6) The Official WorldRanking,
7) The structure and schedule of the World Tour,
8) The European Championships.
3rd EC meeting, 15th September 2005 Statement containing 3 points:
1) News about ITHF registration,
2) Categories and count of players at the European Championship,
3) Referees at tournaments.
EC Statement, 23rd January 2006 Statement concerning the situation in the table hockey movement in Ukraine
EC Statement, 25th January 2006 Important statement about the ITHF registration, changes in the Constitution, Game rules, ...
EC Statement, 10th February 2006 Important statement about personal changes in the ITHF and about cooperation with Stiga Games...
EC Statement, 2nd March 2006 Postponing the Delegates' Conference, the updated version of Game Rules document.
EC Statement, 13th April 2006 The Extraordinary Delegates' Conference, WTHT 2006/2007.
EC Statement, 17th May 2006 The results of Extraordinary Delegates' Conference, schedule for WTHT 2006/2007.
EC Statement, 26th May 2006 The WTHT 2006/2007 playing system.
EC Statement, 30th May 2006 WTHT media archive for finding a sponsor
Number of players for the World Championship 2007
Changes in the World Ranking
Latvian Table Hockey Federation announcement
EC Statement, 20th September 2006 The Tournament Rules Document
Candidatures for the next WCh and ECh
Czech Open in Plzen
LTHF announcement
EC Statement, 28th September 2006 Top 10 WTHT Rule for the World Championship and the reigning champion
EC Statement, 29th November 2006 The updated draft of the Tournament Rules document
The trophy for the overall WTHT winner
EC Statement, 10th January 2007 The Extraordinary Delegates' Conference
The updated of the Tournament Rules
WCh open category wild cards
Rules for new ITHF members
ITHF members with minor activities
DC voting system
Sending results to the World Ranking
EC Statement, 19th February 2007 The Extraordinary Delegates' Conference - schedule
Membership requests declarations
ITHF members reminders
EC meeting, 15th June 2007 Division of EC positions after Delegates' Conference in Moscow
EC Statement, 28th August 2007 WR Levels
National Ranking Systems
Registration of ITHF members
EC Statement, 1st November 2007 World Championship 2007
ITHF Sanctioned Tournaments
Publishing WTHT Tournaments Results
World Ranking official national contacts
EC Statement, 10th of November 2011 Puck Deflectors
Payment to ITHF
St. Petersburg Masters 2012
Game Rules and Tournament Rules
EC Statement, 22nd of September 2012 Future World and European Championships
The president seat and more changes
Evaluation of ad payment for ITHF WTHT
EC Statement, 24th September 2013 Edmonton Centennial Challenge 2013 final standings change
EC Statement, 21st December 2013 ITHF World ranking changes
EC Statement, 19th March 2014 European Championship 2014
EC Statement, 12th November 2016 Situation in Ukraine
EC Statement, 2nd February 2017 Dispute in Ukraine
EC Statement, 28th May 2017 ITHF statement on qualification rounds/tournaments
EC Statement, 12th March 2018 ITHF statement on Russian membership status
EC Statement, 16th February 2022 Disqualification of Oleg Ortinov

ITHF EC Meetings - Summary Reports
